Terms & Conditions

Thank you for visiting www.skyfarebiz.com (the “Website”). Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you start to use the Website. By accessing and using this Website, you indicate that you accept (unconditionally and irrevocably) these terms and conditions (the “Agreement”). If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please refrain from using our Website and exit immediately.

The Website is owned and operated by TSM Travel LLC whose principal office is at 212 Montauk Loop Georgetown, TX 78628 , City – Texas  United States of America.

You represent and warrant you possess the legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement and to use this Website in accordance with all terms and conditions herein.

You promise to us you are old enough to enter legally binding contracts through this Website and you know you will be responsible for all payments due to us for bookings made by you or another person using your login information.

Please also make sure that you have read and accepted our Privacy Policy.

Modification of Terms
We may change these terms and conditions at any time without advance notice. Changed terms will become effective once posted on the Website, and will not have any retrospective effect on existing contractual arrangements made through this Website. Your continued use of this Website after any change means you have accepted the changed terms and conditions.

Use of Personal Information
We use your personal information for various purposes described below, which depend on the site you visit or the app you use. Your Use of Online Sites, Apps, and Services: Book the requested travel or enable vacation property booking Provide services related to the booking and/or account Create, maintain, and update user accounts on our platform and authenticate you as a user Maintain your search and travel history, accommodation and travel preferences, and as otherwise described in this Privacy Statement Enable and facilitate acceptance and processing of payments, coupons, and other transactions Administer loyalty and rewards programs Collect and enable booking-related reviews Help you to use our services faster and easier through features like the ability to sign-in using your account within the online services.

Communications and Marketing
Respond to your questions, requests for information, and process information choices Enable communication between you and the travel supplier like hotels and vacation property owners Contact you (such as by text message, email, phone calls, mail, push notifications, or messages on other communication platforms) to provide information like travel booking confirmations and updates, for marketing purposes, or for other purposes as described in this Privacy Statement Market our products and services, optimize such marketing to be more relevant to you, and measure and analyze the effectiveness of our marketing and promotions Administer promotions like contests, sweepstakes, and similar giveaways.

Other Business Purposes and Compliance
Conduct surveys, market research, and data analytics Maintain, improve, research, and measure the effectiveness of our sites and apps, activities, tools, and services Monitor or record calls, chats, and other communications with our customer service team and other representatives, as well as platform communications between or among partners and travelers for quality control, training, dispute resolution, and as described in this Privacy Statement Create aggregated or otherwise anonymized or de identified data, which we may use and disclose without restriction where permissible Promote security, verify identity of our customers, prevent and investigate fraud and unauthorized activities, defend against claims and other liabilities, and manage other risks Comply with applicable laws, protect our and our users’ rights and interest, defend ourselves, and respond to law enforcement, other legal authorities, and requests that are part of a legal process Comply with applicable security and anti-terrorism, anti-bribery, customs and immigration, and other such due diligence laws and requirements Operate our business using lawful business purposes and as permitted by law

Limitation Of Liability
In no event will we be liable for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential (including among other things loss of revenue or profits), punitive, or exemplary, damages of any kind or subject to equitable or injunctive remedies (whether based on breach of contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise) arising out of

access to, or use of this website, or delay or inability to use this website, or any information contained in this website; or, the availability and utility of products and services. nothing in this limitation of liability shall exclude liabilities not permitted to be excluded by applicable law.

any carriage by air using a ticket obtained using this website shall be subject to the conditions of carriage of the relevant carrier and may also be subject to the warsaw convention or the montreal convention, which may limit the carrier’s liability in certain circumstances. you should refer to the note on conditions of carriage set out below.

any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by us.

As a condition of use of this Website, you agree to indemnify us from and against any and all liabilities, expenses (including legal fees) and damages arising out of claims resulting from your use of this Website, including without limitation any claims alleging facts that if true would constitute a breach by you of these terms and conditions.

Limitations on use
You agree to use this Website solely to determine the availability of goods and services and make legitimate reservations or transact business with us. You agree to use the Website only for personal, non‑commercial use.

You agree to use the Website’s services to make only legitimate reservations or purchases. You agree not to make any false reservation or any reservation in anticipation of demand. We may cancel, without notice, all confirmations associated with multiple reservations to one or more destinations on or about the same date.

You agree to all of our terms and conditions of purchase, including, but not limited to, full and timely payment of all amounts due and compliance with all rules concerning availability of fares, products, or services. All fees, assessments, charges, taxes and duties arising out of use of the Website are your sole responsibility.

You agree to not abuse the Website. “Abuse” includes, without limitation, using the Website to:

Defame, harass, stalk, threaten, abuse or otherwise violate others’ rights as defined by applicable law. Harm or interfere with the operation of others’ computers and software in any respect, including, without limitation, by uploading, downloading or transmitting corrupt files or computer viruses. Violate applicable intellectual property, publicity or privacy rights, including, without limitation, by uploading, downloading or transmitting materials or software.

Omit or misrepresent the origin of, or rights in, any file you download or upload, including, without limitation, by omitting proprietary language, author identifications, or notices of patent, copyright or trade‑mark.

Transmit, post, or otherwise disclose trade secrets, or other confidential or protected proprietary material or information. Download or upload files that are unlawful to distribute through the Website.

Interfere with or disrupt the Website or servers or networks connected to the Website, including attempting to interfere with the access of any other user, host or network, including without limitation, overloading, initiating, propagating, participating, directing or attempting any “denial of service” attacks, “spamming”, “crashing”, “flooding” or “mail‑bombing” the Website.

Direct bots, spiders, crawlers, avatars, intelligent agents or any other automated process at Emirates’ computer systems or otherwise, create unreasonable load upon any’ computer hardware, network, storage, input/output or electronic control devices or infrastructure. Transmit any information or software obtained through the Website, or copy, create, display, distribute, license, perform, publish, recreate, reproduce, sell, or transfer works deriving from the Website.

Falsely use a password or personal identification number during logging into the Website, or misrepresent one’s identity or authority to act on behalf of another.

Violate this Agreement in any other manner.

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